Roy Baldwin R-4155

Chuck Smorse R-3632

Pam Holmgren R-6385

Jim Kruse LM-0632-32

Mike Heron LM-1343-69

Doug "Cigarman" Smith R-3209

Mike "Captain Q" Quinlivan LM-3194-54

David Feavel R-3965

David Spragg R-6180

Richard Fellman R-3887



Richard Fellman R-3887



Chuck Smorse R-3632

Kent Hedberg LM-5055-99


Tom Hanson R-6618

Steve Bedo LM-5259-111

John Chopek R-6386


Larry Hollibaugh LM-4038-138

Don Logerwell R-5709

David Moore LM-4214-149

Joe Pavlik LM-5967-135


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